Our Team

Bubblegum is an albino California kingsnake. Depending on the lighting Bubblegum can appear to be either pink or lavender and yellow.

Butterscotch is a young California kingsnake, one of many different colors available.

Hershey is a young chocolate brown California kingsnake born about 6 or 7 months ago.

Jellybean is a young albino milk snake. I expect he'll get to be 30-35" long.

Kit Kat
Kit Kat born in 2022, is one of Twizzler's offspring.

Mocha is a young boa constrictor who is on the small side. I don't expect her to get too much larger.

Nestle is a milk snake about 7 years old. He doesn't like to sit still for photos. Despite bright, beautiful colors he would be left alone in the wild because of his resemblance to a venomous coral snake.

Oreo is a California kingsnake, my favorite kind of pet snake. Oreo is about six years old and would sit happily on someone's shoulders for hours.

Like Bubblegum, Taffy is an albino kingsnake. Younger and smaller her color tends to be more lavender than pink, but it varies with lighting.

Twizzler is another color variation of a California kingsnake. He is full-grown, and loves being held. He fathered a nice batch of babies in 2022.

Diego the three-toed box turtle has also been part of the Animal Experiences family since 2004. Diego is much shyer than Dora.

Dora the three toed box turtle. Dora has been part of Animal Experiences since 2004.

Easel is an eastern-painted turtle. Despite being an exceedingly common turtle Rhode Island law requires me to have a permit for him as well. The laws vary from state to state but in many states, you can only have them with proof they were captive bred.

Jaws is a common snapping turtle. Because I live in Rhode Island, which has strict laws, I need a permit to have him.

Shelby is a female ornate box turtle. They are wonderful, easy to maintain pets eating fruits and vegetables as well as crickets and worms.

Sunshine is an albino turtle. Albinos have become increasingly affordable as captive breeding has become more common. Unfortunately, laws in many states are very restrictive when it comes to turtles.

Tortellini is a Sulcata tortoise. Before I got him, he was kept too long in an aquarium that was too small, so he exhibits some of the characteristics of pyramiding that often occurs on their shells.

Drago is a bearded dragon with normal coloration. There are other color morphs exhibiting yellow and orange tones. Beardies usually make very calm pets.

Grumpy is a good-sized common toad found in my backyard. Unlike their fellow amphibians, frogs and salamanders, toads have tough, bumpy skin rather than smooth slimy skin.

Indigo is a blue tongue skink. Indigo joined the Animal Experiences family in 2016. He probably has the most varied diet of all my animals.

Sticky is a young Whites Tree Frog. I've cut down on bringing amphibians to shows since people are using hand sanitizer so much the past couple of years. Amphibian's skin is highly sensitive to things like sanitizer as well as other things we may have on our hands and skin. These guys get big for tree frogs and make cool pets.

Wally is the pet I've had the longest (nearly 23 years). The state of Rhode Island has put new restrictions on my permit in the past year saying I cannot allow people to pet him so consequently I do not bring him out as much as I used to. It's too bad since many people have never experienced the wonder of touching an alligator, a cousin to the dinosaurs.
Warm Blooded Animals

Bristle is a sweet African Pygmy hedgehog. She was born in 2021.

Cinnamon is another African Pygmy hedgehog with a more unusual color. He was born early in 2022.

Lucy is an adorable chinchilla. She's nervous when there is lots of noise, so she only goes to indoor shows where I expect smaller, quieter groups.

Oscar is a sweet mini lop-eared bunny who loves to lick people. Lop eared bunnies usually have great dispositions.